The Little Coach House
Daily routine flashcards
Daily routine flashcards
These are the latest additions to our flashcard collection and include hand drawn illustrations designed specifically for us. Our new daily routine flashcards are a set of 16 daily routine descriptions with beautiful hand drawn illustrations for each one. They are great visual resource for children who need some structure to their day.
This is a commonly used resource in schools and Early Years settings which allow children to clearly see what tasks they have to complete. We also have a 'Now, Next, Then' frame on the reverse side which will help them when they start to move on to a 3 step routine.
Dimensions A6 cards. Bag is 15x20cm
Made in the United Kingdom
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Crafted with Care
Items should mean more than convenience. We source beautiful, quality objects that can hold meaning in your home having been created with consideration, design, and heart.